The PCL microspheres bioresorb into the non-toxic degradation products of carbon dioxide and water and are excreted through normal metabolic pathways (representing total bioresorbability). The complete and controlled bioresorption of PCL has been proven via radio-labelled PCL microsphere implantation studies (3H- and C14-labelled)1-5.
The mechanism of bioresorption of the polycaprolactone (PCL) microspheres is defined by two predictable and controlled phases;
- During the initial phase, the PCL chain-length is reduced by chain scission (hydrolysis), but is not yet resorbed, keeping the microsphere intact with no volume or mass loss
- During the second phase, total bioresorption takes place through volume and mass loss and excretion occurs through the normal metabolic pathways (citric acid cycle) as carbon dioxide and water1-5.